Wednesday, 25 March 2015

F & P Contributors Win Award

The editors of Feminism & Psychology are delighted to offer our congratulations to four scholars associated with the journal who received awards at the meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology a few weeks ago.

Lisa Cosgrove and Emily Wheeler received the 2014 Distinguished Publication Award for their article “Industry’s colonization of psychiatry: Ethical and practical implications of financial conflicts of interest in the DSM-5”. The article appeared in the Feminism & Psychology special issue entitled DSM-5 and Beyond: A Critical Feminist Engagement with Psychodiagnosis (23 (1), 93--106). This paper can be accessed at

Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke received the Distinguished Publication Award for their book Successful Qualitative Research (Sage, 2013). Ginny is the former Co-Editor of Feminism & Psychology.  Both Ginny and Victoria are Consulting Editors of Feminism & Psychology.

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