Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Congratulations Lisa Cosgrove and Emily Wheeler, Distinguished Publication Award recipients

Lisa Cosgrove and Emily Wheeler were awarded the Association for Women in Psychology’s Distinguished Publication Award for their article “Industry’s colonization of psychiatry:  Ethical and practical implications of financial conflicts of interest in the DSM-5” published in Feminism & Psychology. The AWP is a diverse feminist community of psychologists and allied professionals invested in the integration of personal, professional, and political power in the service of social justice. It seeks to challenge unexamined privilege and dominant discourses that marginalize and oppress within psychology and the wider society. Each year, submissions for the Distinguished Publication Award are judged on creativity, methodological soundness, clarity, and importance to the understanding of women, gender issues, and sex roles. Awards are thus given to articles or books that, in meeting these criteria, make a significant contribution to the psychology of women research and theory.

When asked about what winning the award means to her, Emily Wheeler spoke about the following:

“I have been involved with the Association for Women in Psychology since I began graduate school six years ago and have such respect for this organization. Winning the award, especially as a student, was an incredible honor. This acknowledgement of the article is an ongoing reminder for me that there are many others in this field who value feminist theory and scholarship, which has been particularly important to remember in settings where feminist perspectives are less valued. It has also been so encouraging for me as a researcher to know that the work I’ve done has “landed” somewhere for someone (other than my parents’ refrigerator) and that it is contributing to feminist psychology. Presenting the paper at the AWP annual conference was such a proud moment for me as a chance to share the work and connect with others about it, and one that will stay with me”.

Lisa Cosgrove, highlighting the supportive environment of the organization, had this to say:

“We were delighted to have our paper published in Feminism & Psychology, a journal known for its intellectual rigor and cutting edge papers.  Then, to hear that we won the distinguished publication award from The Association for Women in Psychology (AWP), was unbelievably exciting.  AWP will always have a special place in my heart. I have been a member for 25 years and the friendships I have forged there have been invaluable. Indeed, receiving this award meant so very much to me because of my longstanding relationship with the organization. I have had the good fortune to work with, and be mentored by, so many amazing and talented women. Doing research in such a controversial area could be very lonely, but because of the support of AWP it has been not only rewarding but also energizing.  It’s an organization that has always welcomed graduate students and individuals who do controversial, feminist and/or “outside the box” research—that’s certainly not true of many academic professional organizations. I have always felt at home at AWP conferences, it’s a place of inspiration and collegiality. So it was especially meaningful to be able to present our research, work that AWP has consistently supported, at the annual conference. I am deeply honored and appreciative that our work was recognized in this way. I want to thank all of my mentors, too numerous to name all of the them, but a special “shout-out” goes to Drs. Maureen McHugh, Leonore Tiefer, Joan Chrisler, and Kat Quina.”

Congratulations Lisa and Emily for your meaningful contribution!

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